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Surgical Sperm Extraction - Avisa IVF Fertility CenterTen to fifteen percent of infertile males do not have any sperm in their ejaculate (the fluid released from the penis during orgasm). It is known as azoospermia. Men with azoospermia might still be able to father a child
Semen Freezing - Avisa IVF Fertility CenterThe procedure of gathering, freezing, and storing sperm is known as sperm banking. Semen freezing or sperm cryopreservation are other names for it. In the future, these sperms are defrosted/thawed and used for treatments
Complete Evaluation of Male and Female - Avisa IVF Fertility CenterThe male partner s sperm must fertilize the female partner s egg during intercourse in order to result in pregnancy. Getting a partner pregnant naturally will be challenging or impossible if the male produces no sperm (o
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