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Egg and Embryo Freezing - Avisa IVF Fertility CenterThe practice of freezing and storing embryos and eggs for future use is known as embryo or egg freezing, also known as embryo cryopreservation. An egg that has been fertilized by a sperm is called an embryo. This procedu
Egg/Embryo Donation - Avisa IVF Fertility CenterA fertile woman can donate an egg, or oocyte, to another woman to aid her in getting pregnant. It is a component of ART or assisted reproductive technology.
Semen Freezing - Avisa IVF Fertility CenterThe procedure of gathering, freezing, and storing sperm is known as sperm banking. Semen freezing or sperm cryopreservation are other names for it. In the future, these sperms are defrosted/thawed and used for treatments
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