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Panel Mouldings - Regency Mouldings and FireplacesA great range of decorative plaster panel mouldings available from family run Nottingham based Regency Mouldings and Fireplaces. Call us on 0115 9770664 or visit our Nottingham Showroom.
Decorative Plaster Mouldings - Regency Mouldings and FireplacesA great range of decorative plaster mouldings available from family run Nottingham based Regency Mouldings and Fireplaces. Call us on 0115 9770664 or visit our Nottingham Showroom.
Cornices - Regency Mouldings and FireplacesA great range of decorative plaster cornices available from family run Nottingham based Regency Mouldings and Fireplaces. Call us on 0115 9770664 or visit our Nottingham Showroom.
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