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Italian Roast Ground Coffee - Organic High Quality Coffee - Briganti FIndulge in the bold and robust taste of Italian Roast Ground Coffee. This coffee is expertly roasted to bring out the intense and smoky flavor of Italian beans. With a heavy body and a strong caffeine kick, it's the perf
How Much Caffeine Is in A Cup of Decaf Coffee?In general, a typical cup of regular coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine. Therefore, a typical cup of decaf coffee can have around 3-5 mg of caffeine, but this can vary.
Specialty Break Suggestions - Markham Banquet HallAn array of freshly baked cookies with a choice of two (Oatmeal Raisin, Double Chocolate Chunk, Milk Chocolate Chunk, Cranberry and White Chocolate) served with freshly brewed coffee, decaf coffee, tea selection, chill
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