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About Us | Glama Gal Kids SpaGlama Gal Kids Spa is an award-winning franchise, with 6 locations across Ontario - Vaughan, Ajax, Barrie, Newmarket, Toronto-East York, and Oakville. Glama Gals offers themed spa services that are all about affirming a
JOIN THE TEAM | Glama Gal Kids SpaWe are always looking for Glam team members at all our locations. This is a great opportunity for teachers, estheticians, ECEs, Drama Students, or students studying in fields with children or Esthetics. We offer a unique
Gift Cards | Glama Gal Kids SpaChoose your closest Glama Gal Location to purchase a printable gift certificate that you can instantly e-mail to the recipient or print at home. We have over 10 Glama Gal Designs to choose from with unique greetings.
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