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Chapter 20 Excerpts - Tales of My Large, Loud, Spiritual Family - Kath“Guess what!” Jessica’s voice is bursting with excitement, “A senior just invited me to a dance!”
Chapter 21 Excerpts - Tales of My Large, Loud, Spiritual Family - KathSeated on a Grand Throne of pure gold, lavishly embellished with eye-dazzling diamonds, rubies, sapphires and amethysts, she is wrapped in a pearl-studded shawl. Majestic flowers are woven into her endless rivers of gold
Chapter 23 Excerpts - Tales of My Large, Loud, Spiritual Family - KathAnd so, this healing energy flowing out of me continues, but the logistics of my “assignments” vary each time. The following week I find myself promoted to being an X-ray-slash-healing machine…
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