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New Account Wizard | E-ZPass VirginiaVDOT Central Office1401 E. Broad St.Richmond, VA 23219 For assistance, please call (toll free) 1-877-762-7824 Monday through Friday 7AM - 7PM © Copyright VDOT. All rights reserved. Based in Virginia, USA.
Home | E-ZPass?? VirginiaE-ZPass lets you hit the road and keep moving. A transponder attached to your windshield and a positive account balance is all you need.
Find E-ZPass Locations | E-ZPass?? VirginiaGetting your E-ZPass is now easier than ever. You can get your E-ZPass On-the-Go transponder kit at a number of locations across Virginia. This includes stores such as Wegmans, Giant and Pit Stop Convenience Stores; AAA
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