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mod_rewrite - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2Modules | Directives | FAQ | Glossary | Sitemap
Bug #1028470 “apache2+ssl hangs on high load” : Bugs : apache2 packageApache2 stops accepting connections when using mod_ssl and having more than 1000 processes running. This is only happening on ubuntu 12.04 and only with mod_ssl enabled. Steps to reproduce: - take a clean install of ubu
Bug #603192 “install of libapache2-mod-php5 may not result in en...” :Binary package hint: apache2 On a fresh ec2 instance of maverick i386, I tried: $ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 That went fine, ending with: | Setting up apache2-mpm-prefork (2.2.15-5ubuntu1) ... | * Startin
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