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Son of Waves Studios - Infinite Music, CyberArt, and Imaging Studio.Son of Waves Studios is a music and imaging studio, based in northern Israel, broadcasting 18 ambient / electronica / vocal trance / albums, most for free download, a network of 26 web sites, as well as digital art, phot
Son of Waves Studios Transcendental Electronica by Dylan TauberThe electronic music of Dylan Tauber / Son of Waves Studios, featuring 21 transcendental electronica albums, most for free MP3 download, and 44 music videos.
Dylan Tauber, electronic musician, cyberartist, photographer, and authDylan Tauber is an award winning electronic musician, cyberartist, photographer, and author, who has been based in NYC, Jerusalem, Miami, a remote island in the south western Pacific, and now in northern Israel.
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