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Nitivy Alumina Fibre (ALF) - Alumina Fibre Yarn - H E Textiles - PVA FNitivy Alumina Fibre Yarn was developed using Nitivy s vinylon (PVA fibre) dry spinning technology. At H E Textiles we can help with Nitivy Alumina Fibre
About Us - H.E. TextilesH.E.TEXTILES is a soley owned subsidary of Yarn Solutions Ltd ; A Private Limited Company established in 1991. The founder is still in charge of day to day activities and we pride ourselves on being an important stock su
Solvron PVA Cloth - H.E. TextilesAmong the numerous applications is a cloth woven from Solvron yarn, used as a Base-Cloth for Guipure embroidery. This replaces silk cloth or man-made fibres that are only dissolvable using chemical agents.
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