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Imprint POPCULTURESHELF.comIMPRINT: The entire content on this website was produced by Dr. A. Ebert, unless marked accordingly as a quotation or link. Responsible for content: Dr. A. Ebert Owner: Dr. A. Ebert
B. R. PopCulture POPCULTURESHELF.comPaul Meehan’s new title delves deeply into the portrayal of alien abduction and UFO phenomena in cinema, covering decades of films and cultural shifts that reflect evolving public perceptions of extraterrestrials. Certai
Watching the World Die. Nuclear Threat Films of the 1980s by Mike BoguAlready in the 1950s, apart from science-fiction movies following aliens from outer space invasion plots, disaster films or creature horror, another genre was equally prominent in the list of sensational productions: the
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