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Contact Us - Foothill Wild Expeditions Ltd.Foothill Wild Expeditions Ltd. P.O Box 1267 – 00502 Karen – Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 724 281870 | +254 777 281 870 (Whatsapp) Tel: +254 722 759994 (Whatsapp) Damaris: damaris@foothi
Our Travel Information - Foothill Wild Expeditions Ltd.Kenya was a British colony in the pre colonial times. Today, none other country in Africa can match the sheer range of scenery and Landscapes. It has a great variety of Wild animals and birds. This is the magic of Kenya
East Africa Combined Safaris - Foothill Wild Expeditions Ltd.Uganda stands for a spectacular yet undiscovered wildlife. Beautiful scenery, comfortable weather year-round and above all friendly people that will make your holiday a journey to remember.
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