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American Brickface Stucco Exteriors | EIFS Construction | Garden BriBrickface and stucco application have been the hallmark of our company since it s founding. We take pride in the fact that plastering and related industry procedures have been a family tradition for over 70 years. Today,
Photo Gallery : American Brickface Stucco Exteriors | Garden State BOur expertise in exterior resurfacing is extensive. We offer the benefit of professional personnel and high quality workmanship. Feel free to contact one of our satisfied clients at any time. Just ask one of our represen
Services : American Brickface Stucco Exteriors | Hardcoat Acrylic StOur traditional cement stucco system consists of three coats of traditional cement. We start by securing galvanized wire lath to the structure with galvanized nails. Galvanized materials do not rust and are an important
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