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Found 17 results for the keyword yohana. Time 0.007 seconds.

Selous Game Reserve | Ngorongoro Expedition and Tours Ltd.

Selous Game Reserve is Africa s world s largest protected wildlife area. It is occupying 55,000 sq Km (about sq miles). It was named after Englishman Sir Frederick Selous, a famous big game hunter and early conservationi - Details - Similar

Arusha National Park | Ngorongoro Expedition and Tours Ltd.

The Arusha National park was discovered by Sir Julius Huxley in 1960. Arusha National Park Covering 137 sq. km, 33, 800 acres between the peaks of mountain Kilimanjaro and Meru and rise from a lower level or degree 1500 - Details - Similar

Ngorongoro Conservation Area | Ngorongoro Expedition and Tours Ltd.

The Ngorongoro Crater is one of the world's natural wonders, the Ngorongoro Crate is the land of the Maasai of their Cattle and of the fauna, this protected area is located in the Great Rift Valley gigantic fracture of t - Details - Similar

Tanzania | Ngorongoro Expedition and Tours Ltd.

The world famous Serengeti National Park is the First Largest Park in Tanzania; occupying - Details - Similar

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Kitulo National Park | Ngorongoro Expedition and Tours Ltd.

It is the first park in Tropical Africa, which is popular in its primary floristic significance. Kitulo National Park covers an area of 412.9 sq km situated between the Livingstone and uporot range in Southern Highlands - Details - Similar

Lake Manyara National Park | Ngorongoro Expedition and Tours Ltd.

Location: The lake Manyara national Park is Located in Northern Tanzania, 126 Km ( 80 miles) west of Arusha. You can get there by road, Charter or Scheduled flight from Arusha en-route to Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. - Details - Similar

Saadani National Park | Ngorongoro Expedition and Tours Ltd.

Saadani National Park is where the beach meets the bush, the park covering an area of 1,100 square kilometers (430 sq miles) in the east of the country, north of Dar es Salaam. The Park has the distinction of being the o - Details - Similar

Tarangire National Park | Ngorongoro Expedition and Tours Ltd.

It is the most southern of the accessible park of Northern Tanzania. Name after River Tarangire, the park covers an area of 2,850 sq. Km (about 1005 sq miles). On the east bank of Lake Manyara, the Tarangire River crosse - Details - Similar

Serengeti National Park | Ngorongoro Expedition and Tours Ltd.

The world famous Serengeti National Park is the First Largest Park in Tanzania; occupying about 14,763 sq Km (5700 sq miles). The parks name Serengeti means Endless plains and is derived from the Maasai word Siringiti. T - Details - Similar

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