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Found 16 results for the keyword ycombinator. Time 0.006 seconds.
How A YCombinator Startup Is Born: The Story Of StrikinglyThe problem was that nobody in the room agreed on what that meant. By about midsummer, with their project dead in the water and not much to show for months of work, everyone had at least a few moments where they thought
Side Projects - AVCBack when we started USV in 2003/2004, we used to see a lot of side projects that had taken off and were turning into companies. We funded at least one such side project, Delicious, which ended up getting sold to Yahoo!
Brex: Credit Cards, Expense Management, and Business Banking | BrexSimplify expense management with Brex's spend management platform. From business cards to banking, Brex helps you drive growth, automate processes, earn more.
Revolutionize Your Small Business with Customer Relationship ManagemenIn today’s highly competitive business landscape, having an effective CRM system can make all the difference. With the right CRM solution in place, you can manage your customer interactions more efficiently, boost sales,
POSSE - IndieWebPOSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, the practice of posting content on your own site first, then publishing copies or sharing links to third parties (like social media silos) wit
forum.Prolifeclinics.roProvided by Alexa ranking, has ranked N/A in N/A and 5,696,263 on the world. It is hoted in N/A with IP address N/A. The home page has 0 external link.
Education - www.alexanderjarvis.comSource for startup education. Entrepreneurs and investors can discover how to invest, fundraise, scale and build companies.
Group:Copilot Watch Group - LibrePlanetGroup:Copilot Watch Group en en
People Powered - Jono BaconDiscover and harness the potential of communities for your organization.
Personal []You can find me at various places on the net as well:
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