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SARS-CoV-2 collection | EVAgVisit our page dedicated to antiviral compounds test results against SARS-CoV-2 Given the epidemiological situation concerning SARS-CoV-2, a simplified and faster procedure has been put in place for the supply of molecul
Puppeteer Tutorial - tools4testingPuppeteer is an open source Node.js library developed by Google that was built in purpose of automating and simplifying frontend tests and development.
Automation Testing Tutorial | Introduction to Automation - tools4testiIn this tutorial you will learn about automation basics and understand what automation is and the need for automation. Automation means using some tool to execute your test case suite instead of manual execution.
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Database migration and synchronization toolsSoftware to migrate and synchronize databases between popular DBMS: Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, IBM DB2 and FoxPro.
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