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WordCampTV Videos WordPress.tvPresentations, Highlights, and Behind-the-Scenes looks from WordCamps around the World
International appeal: making your themes and plugins translatable WoLearn the basics of internationalization and localization in WordPress. Find out how to apply these capabilities to themes and plugins. This talk covers the translation functions for PHP and JavaScript.
Managing and supporting 450+ sites – a solopreneur journey WordPressLearn how a one-person agency manages (and grows) 450+ websites. Hear lessons learned from 20+ years of website development and business management.
Building a thoughtful block editing experience WordPress.tvLearn the five considerations that help you create custom blocks with an intuitive administrative experience in the Block Editor. A great block editing experience takes advantage of the existing Block Editor interface, r
Building WordPress communities in your country WordPress.tvPanelists share their experience of building their local WordPress community and inspire you to start or get involved with yours.
Videos from WordCamp Atlanta 2023 WordPress.tvPosts about WordCamp Atlanta 2023 written by
Videos from WordCamp Asia 2023 WordPress.tvPosts about WordCamp Asia 2023 written by
Quali sono le potenzialità di una Local Page collegata al Google BusinCon la trasformazione digitale e l’avvento dell’ecommerce per i retailer la parola chiave è diventata da tempo “omnicanalità”. Oggi più che mai è diventato fondamentale riuscire ad avere una strategia digitale integrata
The day I became an Open Source software developer WordPress.tv12 years ago, when I started developing and maintaining my first plugin, I knew it was me the one who needed it. Deploying it to and sharing my work with other people seemed cool, almost obvious, like deplo
How large organizations make the most of WordPress WordPress.tvOne of Pantheon s co-founders explains how large scale organizations adopt and get value from WordPress.
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