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LVS Introduction - Load Balancing Server ClusterVirtual server is a highly scalable and highly available server built on a cluster of real servers. The architecture of server cluster is fully transparent to end users, and the users interact with the cluster system as
Reputation management - WikipediaThe field of public relations has evolved with the rise of the internet and social media. Reputation management is now broadly categorized into two areas: online reputation management and offline reputation management.
WYSIWYM - WikipediaA different approach to the WYSIWYM philosophy is taken by GNU TeXmacs, which combines the on-screen representation of the document structure with an almost-faithful WYSIWYG rendering. 7
Adobe Photoshop - WikipediaFrom the beginning, Photoshop could save files in other formats, including TIF, JPEG, and GIF. These files are smaller than PSD files because they lack the editable features of a PSD file. These formats are required to u
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Digital Millennium Copyright Act - WikipediaDMCA Title III modified section 117 of the copyright title so that those repairing computers could make certain temporary, limited copies while working on a computer. It reversed the precedent set in MAI Systems Corp. v.
Content management system - WikipediaA CMS typically has two major components: a content management application (CMA), as the front-end user interface that allows a user, even with limited expertise, to add, modify, and remove content from a website without
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