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Found 15 results for the keyword vedvyas. Time 0.007 seconds.
Best Social Charitable Non Profit Organization | Vishwa Jagriti MissVishwa Jagriti Mission is a social charitable non-profit organization established by Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj in 1991 in the area of spirituality in India.
Compassionate Creator - Sudhanshu Ji MaharajCompassion and creation, both are connected to feminine energy channels in an individual. The feminine energy is present in everybody along with the masculine energy. Its flow in the body has a calming, cool and moon-lik
LIFE STYLE - Sudhanshu Ji MaharajTasmachchhastra pramana te karyakaryavyavasthitau Gatva shastravidhanokta karma kartumiharhasi (Geeta 16.24)
Contact us - Sudhanshu Ji MaharajPhone: +91 9312284390 Toll Free 1800118188
The Singing Saint - Sudhanshu Ji MaharajHis Holiness Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj is a gifted musician, who plays a wide range of instruments and is blessed with a divinely melodious voice that mesmerizes and captivates the attention of the listener, as much as his en
Wisdom - Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj“Self-control makes you dispassionate and detached, free from the clutches of passions which do not allow you to see things clearly. It is now time for you to know the true meaning of Mantra and make its realization the
...::: Virtual Vedic University
His Holiness Sudhanshu Ji MaharajSudhanshu Ji Maharaj is a traditional Guru in the modern times. He inspires to many of his devotee to be a complete Human Being,
Love for Nature - Sudhanshu Ji MaharajSometimes you can see some people in a deep, consuming yet peacefully silent introspective mode, effectively altering their surroundings as well. It feels as if the atmosphere is highly stimulated in the mere presence of
Blog and Articles - Sudhanshu Ji MaharajVishwa Jagriti Mission
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