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Found 84 results for the keyword upanishad. Time 0.005 seconds.
Hanuman - WikipediaHanuman combines two of the most cherished traits in the Hindu bhakti-shakti worship traditions: heroic, strong, assertive excellence and loving, emotional devotion to personal God . 21
Gotra - WikipediaOne who follows the system defined by three sages defines himself as Tri-a-Vishay. Similarly, for five sages, it is Pancha-Vishay, and for seven sages, it is Santa-Vishay.
Oshodhara Communityअसल आदम कह ख गय ह - ओश अव त र शरण आय र म पहल त इस अव शब द क त म थ ड स ध य न करन यह ठ क व स ह ह ज स व र ह...
About Us - Oshodhara Community??? ????????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ???? - ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ??, ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ??, ?????? ??? ???...
Contact Us - Oshodhara Community??? ????????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ???? - ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ??, ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ??, ?????? ??? ???...
Hindu astrology - Wikipedia[The current year] minus one, multiplied by twelve, multiplied by two, added to the elapsed [half months of current year], increased by two for every sixty [in the sun], is the quantity of half-months (syzygies).
Angiras - WikipediaOther than crediting authorship, the Vedic texts mention sage Angiras in various roles such as a fire priest or a singer. For example, the allegorical hymn 3.31 of the Rigveda calls him a singer:
Cinemaplusnews - Get todays latest tamil cinema newsCinemaPlusNews is the movie portal provides the todays tamil cinema news, reviews about the film, Tamil celebrity gossips and kollywood latest updates.
Gurukulam for online classes, residential camps on Vedanta SanskritBhagavad Gita, Upanishad & related texts are taught traditionally in English by Swami Sarvananda, a disciple of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati.
Quantum ResearchSahiasha, Quantum, Geeta Satsang, Upanishad, vartamaan sameeksha, सेठिया साहित्य, उपनिषद, वर्तमान समीक्षा, गीता सत्संग.
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