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Found 22 results for the keyword unov. Time 0.008 seconds.
The United Nations Library–ViennaInformation on the United Nations Library at the Vienna International Centre.
Crime Congress - AboutOverall theme, agenda items and workshop topics
Blue Heart CampaignThe Blue Heart Campaign raises awareness around the globe of human trafficking and its impact on people and society.
International Anti-Corruption Day - 9 DecemberYoung people have dreams and aspirations, but corruption erodes the fabric of society, stifles progress and deprives them of educational opportunities, job prospects, engagement in public life, success in sports and acce
United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeThe Secretary-General appoints Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly of Egypt as Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
International Cooperation NetworksGPTOC supports three ongoing international judicial cooperation networks: the West African Network of Central Authorities and Prosecutors (WACAP), the Judicial Cooperation Network for Central Asia and Southern Caucasus (
Joint Evaluation ReportsJoint evaluations are undertaken by UNODC with other international organizations, including United Nations Secretariat entities, on cross-cutting areas, including those that contribute to the implementation of the Sustai
Evaluation Reports by RegionThe Independent Evaluation Section (IES) delivers products and services in line with its three strategic pillars of mandated work.
Evaluation Reports by TopicThe Independent Evaluation Section (IES) delivers products and services in line with its three strategic pillars of mandated work.
Evaluation ReportsThe Independent Evaluation Section (IES) delivers products and services in line with its three strategic pillars of mandated work with Pillar 2 focusing on: Evaluation Results. IES conducts participatory, independent, in
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