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Udayana also known as UdayanÄcÄrya (Udyanacharya, or Master Udayana) was a very important Hindu logician of the tenth century who attempted to reconcile the views held by the two major schools of logic (Nyaya and Vaisheshika). This became the root of the Navya-NyÄya school of the thirteenth century, established by Gangesha Upadhyaya ("New NyÄya") school of "right" reasoning, which is still recognized and followed in some regions of India. -- Wikipedia 0877-6260-1297 Teknisi Service Kulkas Panggilan di Kampus Udayana - Is0877-6260-1297 Teknisi Service Kulkas Panggilan di Kampus Udayana Service Kulkas Panggilan di Kampus Udayana, Tukang Service Kulkas di Kampus Udayana, Jasa Service Kulkas di Kampus Udayana, Service Lemari Es di Kampus Ud
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Uni Italia ‘’Study in Italy’’ Seminar to University of Udayana Bali -On 25 May 2023, Uni Italia in collaboration with the Istitutio Italiano di Cultura held a seminar with the theme of ‘’Study in Italy rsquo...
N-ACETYLCYSTEINEAS PARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT IN TRICHOTILLOMANIABagian/SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Jiwa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana/Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah Denpasar
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Alif MH - Info: IncidentBima, - Warga Desa punti kecamatan Soromandi digegerkan dengan penemuan sosok mayat pria di pesisir pantai tepatnya di So Kawi Dusun Sarita Desa Punti Kecamatan Soromandi Kabupaten Bima Rabu, (15/12/2021) sek
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