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Found 581 results for the keyword twine. Time 0.010 seconds.
Twine is a light string or strong thread composed of two or more smaller strands or yarns twisted together. More generally, the term can be applied to a cord. -- Wikipedia GitHub - iftechfoundation/twine-specs: Specs related to TwineSpecs related to Twine. Contribute to iftechfoundation/twine-specs development by creating an account on GitHub.
Beautiful Baker's Twine - Sparkle Bakers TwineNew Sparkle Bakers Twine A luxurious solid soft cotton Baker's Twine with a sparkle running through the length.
Beautiful Bakers Twine | Everlasto Bakers Twine by James Lever UKEverlasto Beautiful Bakers Twine - World's largest range of bakers twines and craft twines from James Lever of Bolton, UK twine manufacturers since 1856.
Beautiful Bakers Twine | Everlasto Bakers Twine by James Lever UKEverlasto Beautiful Bakers Twine - World's largest range of bakers twines and craft twines from James Lever of Bolton, UK twine manufacturers since 1856.
Beautiful Baker's Twine Finest - small diameter bakers twine rangeBeautiful Baker's Twine Finest Range - smaller diameterin solid colour and sparkle, finer diameter cotton twines UK manufactured in over 30 colours est 1856 manufactured by James Lever
Beautiful Baker's Twine Solid - solid coloured bakers twine rangeBeautiful Baker's Twine Solid colour soft luxurious cotton UK manufactured in over 30 colours est 1856 manufactured by James Lever
Beautiful Bakers Twine - Original Bakers TwinesThe original Bakers Twine from Beautiful Bakers Twine - in over 30 colours
Twine CookbookThis Cookbook contains documentation, tips, and examples for using the non-linear story creation tool Twine.
Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear storiesYou don t need to write any code to create a simple story with Twine, but you can extend your stories with variables, conditional logic, images, CSS, and JavaScript when you're ready.
Beautiful Bakers Twines - The Braided Baker's Twine rangeUnique braided bakers Twines the Beautiful Bakers Twine range of braided twines
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