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Found 427 results for the keyword turnitin. Time 0.007 seconds.
Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism-prevention service created by iParadigms, LLC, first launched in 1997. Typically, universities and high schools buy licenses to submit essays to the Turnitin website, which checks the documents for unoriginal content. -- Wikipedia Jasa Turnitin | JASA PEMBUATAN TESISMelayani Jasa Bimbingan Pembuatan Skripsi,Tesis, Disertasi, Pembuatan Jurnal Ilmiah, olah data statistik dengan pembimbing profesional, kompeten dan berpengalaman. Bimbingan secara tatap muka langsung, pembayaran bertaha
Plagiarism Detector: Prevent Academic Misconduct | TurnitinProtect your institution's academic standards with Turnitin's plagiarism detector. Identify copied content and ensure originality in every submission.
Empower Students to Do Their Best, Original Work | TurnitinTurnitin solutions promote academic integrity, streamline grading and feedback, deter plagiarism, and improve student outcomes.
Apoie alunos a produzirem com qualidade e originalidade | TurnitinAs soluções da Turnitin promovem a Integridade Acadêmica, agilizam a avaliação e o feedback, evitam o plágio e melhoram os resultados dos alunos.
Impulsa a tus estudiantes a hacer su mejor trabajo original | TurnitinLas soluciones de Turnitin promueven la integridad académica, agilizan los procesos de calificación y retroalimentación y mejoran los resultados de los estudiantes.
Aiutare gli studenti a lavorare al meglio delle loro capacità e con orLe soluzioni Turnitin promuovono l'integrità accademica, semplificano la valutazione e il feedback, scoraggiano il plagio e migliorano i risultati degli studenti.
Habilite estudantes fazerem o seu melhor e produzir trabalhos com origAs soluções da Turnitin promovem a integridade académica, agiliza o processo de avaliação e o feedback, ajuda a dissuadir o plágio e melhorar resultados dos estudantes.
Befähigen Sie Studierende, ihre beste, eigenständige Arbeit zu leistenTurnitin-Lösungen fördern die akademische Integrität, optimieren Benotung und Feedback, verhindern Plagiate und verbessern die Leistungen der Studierenden.
iThenticate 2.0: Advancing research integrity with AI writing detectioWith campuswide digital transformation in mind, rollout to thousands of faculty across disciplines took only two months, far quicker than anticipated.
Studenten ondersteunen bij het leveren van zo goed mogelijk origineelDe oplossingen van Turnitin bevorderen academische integriteit, stroomlijnen het beoordelings- en feedbackproces, ontmoedigen plagiaat en verbeteren de resultaten van studenten.
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