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Inheemse bome | TuisbladOns verskaf bome in ALLE groottes en kan dus ook uiters meeding in die verskaffinng van bome aan stadsrade en landskapsargitekte vir spesifieke projekte. Wees verseker van ons absolute toegewydheid om die beste diens en
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Wikimedia CommonsCopyright statuses
Unicode - WikipediaDie standaard voorsien alle tekens en simbole ( karakters ) van alle geskrewe tale van 'n nommer. Die Unicode-standaard skryf egter glad nie voor hoe karakters visueel voorgestel moet word nie.
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Main Page - MetaWelcome to Meta-Wiki, the global community site for the Wikimedia Foundation's projects and related projects, from coordination and documentation to planning and analysis.
Main Page - Outreach WikiOutreach wiki serves as a home for several outreach and collaboration initiatives. It's a bookshelf, a collection of best practices, and a coordination point for any activity that is directed to the public, to cultural i
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