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The Toraja are an ethnic group indigenous to a mountainous region of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Their population is approximately 1,100,000, of whom 450,000 live in the regency of Tana Toraja ("Land of Toraja"). -- Wikipedia South Sulawesi Traditional HousesThe word Tongkonan is derived from the Toraja word tongkon to sit, Tongkonan are the center of Torajan social life
Discover Bali Indonesia | Adventure round trips and private holidays iDiscover Bali Indonesia is a travel agent and tour operator specialized in adventure round trips in bali, java, lombok, flores and toraja sulawesi. Boutique and eco-lodge hotel selection, off the beaten track tours, adve
Online booking for tours, sightseeing, water sports, adventures, provides online booking and instant payment for sightseeing, adventures, watersports in Bali and beyond
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Indonesia - WikipediaIn the 2024 Global Hunger Index (GHI), Indonesia ranked 77th out of 127 countries with enough data to calculate a score. Indonesia's GHI score was 16.9, which indicates a moderate level of hunger. 303
Info Tempat Wisata |Nordik merupakan julukan yang disematkan pada negara benua Eropa yang berbatasan dengan Laut Atlantik Utara. Beberapa contoh negara tersebut adalah Swedia, Finlandia, Islandia, Denmark, Norwegia, di mana kelima-limanya
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