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Found 96 results for the keyword tongva. Time 0.010 seconds.
Tevaaxa’nga (Te-vaah-ha-nga) to Today: Stories of the Tongva People© Rancho Los Cerritos Historic Site. All Rights Reserved.
Santa Catalina Island (California) - WikipediaChannel Island off the coast of California
Pasadena, California - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia librePasadena é unha cidade estadounidense no condado dos Ánxeles, California, situada a 16 quilómetros ao nordés do centro dos Ánxeles.
Santa Monica, California - WikipediaThe first non-indigenous group to set foot in the area was the party of explorer Gaspar de Portolá, which camped near the present-day intersection of Barrington and Ohio Avenues on August 3, 1769.
South Pasadena, California - WikipediaThe initial buildings on the Rancho San Pascual were built on the land which eventually became the cities of Pasadena, South Pasadena and Altadena. The first of these adobe structures became headquarters for General Flor
Los Angeles - WikipediaRacial tensions led to the Watts riots in 1965, resulting in 34 deaths and over 1,000 injuries. 72
Stanton, California - WikipediaThe Tongva people are the Indigenous people of the Stanton area. The villages of Hutukunga and Puvunga were the nearest villages to the present-day site of Stanton. 8
Torrance, California - WikipediaFor thousands of years, the area of Torrance was occupied by the Tongva Native Americans. The land that is now part of the City of Torrance and much of the modern South Bay was part of the extensive marshlands.
Land Acknowledgement Rancho Los AlamitosRancho Los Alamitos is located on ancestral and unceded land of the Tongva people, who cared for this land for thousands of years and continue to do so today. The Rancho sits atop the village of Puvuun nga -- the ga
Exhibits Rancho Los Cerritos Historic SiteThis exhibit runs through June 30, 2025
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