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Found 15 results for the keyword tjsl. Time 0.006 seconds.
Homepage - Thomas Jefferson School of LawTJSL is a private, non-profit California law school. We offer residential and online JD degrees as well as graduate LLM degree programs.
Testimonials - Thomas Jefferson School of LawI transferred to Thomas Jefferson School of Law ( TJSL ) in my 3L year, so I had the benefit of contrasting my TJSL experience with another law school. And I found TJSL to be exceptional for various reasons.
News Events - Thomas Jefferson School of LawWe’re proud to feature our student, alumni, and faculty accomplishments as well as upcoming and past events here.
Visit - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson School of Law is located in a new, modern campus in the heart of the downtown legal community and within a short walk of San Diego’s courthouses, many of its major law firms, and the offices of various f
History - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson School of Law was founded in 1969 as the San Diego campus of Western State University College of Law, a privately-owned institution based in Fullerton, California. The San Diego branch was located in dow
Donate - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThank you for helping build the culture of philanthropy that is critical to providing a world class legal education for our students.
About Us - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson Law School is known for our world-class faculty and an unwavering commitment to student success.
Required Disclosures - Thomas Jefferson School of LawThomas Jefferson School of Law s degree-granting authority, in connection with its JD and ALS students’ qualifications to take the California Bar Examination and obtain admission to practice law in California, is based u
Directory - Thomas Jefferson School of LawExplore our directory of faculty and staff. Some of our faculty have litigated before the World Court and U.S. Supreme Court.
Contact - Thomas Jefferson School of LawGeneral Inquiries: Looking for more information about Thomas Jefferson School of Law? Use the form below to get in touch with us or contact us at or (619) 297-9700.
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