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Found 22 results for the keyword tilth. Time 0.005 seconds.
Tilth is a descriptor of soil. It combines the properties of particle size, moisture content, degree of aeration, rate of water infiltration, and drainage into abbreviated terms in order to more easily present the agricultural prospects of a piece of land. -- Wikipedia Oregon Tilth: Organic Certification Sustainable AgricultureOregon Tilth is a leading certifier, educator and advocate for organic agriculture and products since 1974
Monthly Potluck Farm Talks and Tours SnoValley TilthSnoValley Tilth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. EIN: 90-0119317. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
South Whidbey TilthWe are a volunteer-run nonprofit organization devoted to learning and sharing practices for building healthy soil, growing food, planting gardens and raising farm animals as good stewards of the Earth.
Donate SnoValley TilthClick the DONATE TODAY button to select your amount and payment options through PayPal.Upon processing your donation you will receive an email receipt.
SnoValley Tilth More farmers on more farmland, growing more sustainaWe support local farmers, especially those who face barriers like limited access to land, resources, and community connections. We also work to maintain a healthy, sustainable local food system in the Snoqualmie a
Farmland Network SnoValley TilthSnoValley Tilth’s Farmland Network is working to increase access to suitable farmland by working with landowners who want to make their land agriculturally productive again, helping to match them with farmers through lea
Experience Farming Project SnoValley TilthThe Experience Farming Project is a self-directed and participant-driven opportunity for aspiring farmers to gain valuable hands-on experience while independently working a plot of land at one of our locations in the Sno
Farm Services SnoValley TilthWe work to build a strong community of farmers and create resources and opportunities to support farms at all stages of development.
Workshop and Events Calendar SnoValley TilthFundraising Committee meetings occur on the third Wednesday of each month, via Zoom.
Monthly Gatherings SnoValley TilthJoin us at a farm tour, potluck, discussion or other event!
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