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Read-A-Thon Fundraiser - Read, Raise Funds, Change LivesBring your school community together for a fun and meaningful fundraiser. Use ReadaFun to run a Read-A-Thon and raise funds for your school. Start now!
Students Supporting Brain Tumor Research HomepageDonate now to help find a cure for brain tumors
The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee: Raising Money for the Kitties!What a lovely recap of the FUNdraising and the phone bank opurrators.
The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee: Beware! ZOMBIES!Poor Wylla! That photo always comes back to haunt her this time of year (pun intended).
The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee: Happy Birthday, Dear Wylla!Happy birthday fluffy girl! So glad you are in all of our lives.
The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee: Kitty Movie ArchiveThe Bartletts from laurie cinotto on Vimeo.
The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee: Kitty FAQsThank you so much for caring so much and giving to support the Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County. Because of your huge hearts, we're making the difference in the lives of so many cat and kittens. Well done, Com
The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee: Why We GaveI gave in honor of Tubby Jablecki, my best friend for the first 17 years of my life.
The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee: Welcome Back, Butterbean!Hooray Charlene! I m so glad to see a post saying you re better. Laurie has her coat changed texture as she ages? One of mine has and the other one hasn t, and they re 12-year-old littermates. I can t figure it out.
The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee: Happy Thanksgiving, Dear OnesEvery year I put your first Paw Turkey up on my office door. Now I will add these to!Enjoy the day, the friends, the cats and the food.
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