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Found 14 results for the keyword tektites. Time 0.010 seconds.
Meteorites & TektitesUnique and unusual rock and mineral specimens like ulexite - TV rock - moqui marbles, pipestone, fulgurites, apache tears and purpurite for sale.
EXOPOLITICS INDIA: Event Situation UpdateWe are entering a new time period that I have been briefed on that will be considered a very confusing Disinformation War to control the narrative and also manipulate the very powerful tool of humanities joint consc
Wulflund | We create jewellery, forged and leather products WulflundWe produce and design our own products. Wholesale distribution and retail sales our customers since 2005. We coolaborate with movie productions and TV series creators. class= per-page-meta
Activity Books - Earth ScienceActivity books for classroom teachers, students and homeschoolers studying rocks, minerals, geology and earth science.
Boxed Rock & Mineral SetsBoxed collections of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and minerals for classroom, teachers, collectors and homeschoolers.
PHILIPPINE HERITAGE (PRECUP) | Ivan About TownSubscribe to Ivan About Town
Card Rock Mineral & FossilsCard mounted collections of rocks, minerals and gemstones for classroom teachers, homeschoolers and beginning collectors.
Rock, Mineral & Fossil CollectionsSupplier of quality Geology/Earth Science rock, mineral and fossil specimens and collections for teachers and homeschoolers.
Bagged Rocks & MineralsBagged rock, mineral and gemstone specimen collections.
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