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Found 24 results for the keyword teksas. Time 0.005 seconds.
Texas - WikipediaNight-time summer temperatures range from the upper 50s °F (14 °C) in the West Texas mountains to 80 °F (27 °C) in Galveston. 175 176
Wydawca i redakcja - Culture AvenueISSN2544-0993 Wydawca: Culture Avenue adres: Austin, Teksas, USA e-mail: Redakcja: Joanna Sokołowska-Gwizdka - redaktor naczelny Florian Śmieja (Missisauga, Kanada) - członek redakcji, zm. 201
Harlingen, Texas - WikipediaSoils in Harlingen range in texture from fine sandy loam to clay. They are neutral to moderately alkaline with pH of 7.2 to 8.5 (most commonly around 8.2), and are moderately well drained or well drained in most cases, w
Klub historyka Culture AvenueJoanna Sokołowska-Gwizdka (Austin, Teksas)
O firmie DellAmerykańska międzynarodowa korporacja z siedzibą w Round Rock w stanie Teksas. Zajmuje się produkcją komputerów i urządzeń peryferyjnych oraz ich
Tyler, Texas - WikipediaLegal recognition of Tyler was initiated by an act of the state legislature on April 11, 1846. The Texas government created Smith County and authorized a county seat.
Los Angeles - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedijaLos Angeles je pobraten s 25 mesti: 6
Leander, Texas - WikipediaThe Webster Massacre occurred near present-day Leander in August 1839, when a party of about 30 settlers traveling westward through the area were attacked by Comanche Indians and all but three were killed. 11
Cedar Hill, Texas - WikipediaEarly in its history, Cedar Hill lay along a branch of the Chisholm Trail and served as the temporary county seat of Dallas County. In 1856, a tornado swept through the town, killing nine people and destroying most of it
Allen, Texas - WikipediaOn May 6, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at the Allen Premium Outlets mall. 8 Eight were killed, along with the shooter, and seven were injured.
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