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Found 13 results for the keyword steripore. Time 0.030 seconds.
Paper Tape, Patient Stories about Steripore Paper TapeThe Sterimed paper tape popularly known as Steripore and Steripore+, is an extremely popular, comfortable and flexible M. It is hypoallergenic, breathable and leaves minimal residue upon removal.
Microporous TapeThe Sterimed paper tape popularly known as Steripore and Steripore+, is an extremely popular, comfortable and flexible M. It is hypoallergenic, breathable and leaves minimal residue upon removal.
Paper TapesThe Sterimed paper tape popularly known as Steripore and Steripore+, is an extremely popular, comfortable and flexible M. It is hypoallergenic, breathable and leaves minimal residue upon removal.
Sterimed’s Endotracheal Tubes, ET TubeSterimed’s Endotracheal Tube is regarded as a reliable method for protecting a patient’s airway. It is used in general anaesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine for airway management and mechanical ventilation.
Foley Catheter manufacturer, Microporous Tapes, Endotracheal Tubes IndFoley Catheter, Endotracheal Tubes (ET Tubes), Microporous Tapes and medical disposable products manufacturer from India.
Fight InfectionFounded in 1955, Sterimed Group today has presence in the fields of Medical and Surgical Devices, Industrial and Medical Adhesive Tapes, Eco-friendly non-woven bags among others. At Sterimed Group we take pride in delive
The Importance of Endotracheal Tube Placement and ManagementThe proper placement and management of endotracheal tubes are critical to ensure that patients receive adequate ventilation and avoid complications. | More....
ET TubesSterimed’s Endotracheal Tube is regarded as a reliable method for protecting a patient’s airway. It is used in general anaesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine for airway management and mechanical ventilation.
Endotracheal TubesSterimed’s Endotracheal Tube is regarded as a reliable method for protecting a patient’s airway. It is used in general anaesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine for airway management and mechanical ventilation.
Patient comfortPolymer Coating for greater inner diameter and High Flow, Minimizing Encrustation and Catheter blockage.
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