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Found 231 results for the keyword sire. Time 0.016 seconds.
Sire is a form of address for reigning kings in the United Kingdom and in Belgium. It was formerly also used in France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Sweden and Spain. -- Wikipedia Reference | mysiteSire: ++*B Lucky Star s QA Wisdom SS: GCH ++*B Quixote Shalla s Alladin SD: GCH Lucky Star Mel s Tinsel 1*M
Snowlion Malamute Puppies from Champion Frozen Sires, Snowlion KennelsSnowlion Malamutes, a top kennel in California, utilizes genetic testing and artificial insemination with frozen semen of heritage champions to maintain genetic diversity, health and quality of its bloodlines.
Lone Spruce Alpacas - HerdsiresNWA, Ltd. Orleana (PPeruvian Felix daughter)- 3/4 Accoyo and Full Peruvian.- Sound conformation, Macho attitude, and very dense medium brown fiber.- In 2007, he garnered 2 blue ribbons at spin off competitions. Judge
Black Walnut Springs Exotics - Watusi Cattle, Gyr Cattle, Gyr, DonkeysSpecializing in Foundation Pure Watusi DNA for parentage and genetic markers on file with Zoetis for all BWSand BWS owned animals from 2012 to current.
Past Litters 2008-2013DATE OF BIRTH 5/11/2013 Pedigree for puppies SIRE: UCH Esko vom Tal der Schatten, CGC, RN, LEVEL 1 NARCOTICS K9, OFA GOOD-ELBOWS NORMAL DAM: Yjazz Vom Haus Merkel, BN, CD OFA Good TIDMORES RISING STAR OLGA-
Callie vom Hause Scherau | Dog profile - information and dataYou will find all relevant information, images, videos and a detailed pedigree for Callie vom Hause Scherau at working-dog.
Kilo von Golden Valley | Dog profile - information and dataYou will find all relevant information, images, videos and a detailed pedigree for Kilo von Golden Valley at working-dog.
Champion Girls at Snowlion Malamutes, AKC registered California MalamuPhotos, pedigrees of Snowlion Alaskan Malamute champion girls, foundation lines Rmal Skyfyre including Kali Devi, her daughter Sierra Noel and her offspring, Snowlion foundation malamutes.
Black Walnut Springs Exotics - Watusi Cattle, Gyr Cattle, Gyr, DonkeysSpecializing in Foundation Pure Watusi DNA for parentage and genetic markers on file with Zoetis for all BWSand BWS owned animals from 2012 to current.
Lone Spruce Alpacas - Alpacas For SaleWe are proud to offer a wide range of alpacas for sale including pregnant females, open maidens, proven and junior herdsires, and fiber males.
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