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Found 16 results for the keyword seic. Time 0.005 seconds.
Student Experience | SEIC CertificateThe SEIC Certificate is a unique intensive learning and networking experience which includes an in-person kick-off collaborative in Washington D.C., monthly peer connection and learning, culminating in a final Capstone P
About SEIC | Sports and Entertainment Impact CollectiveSetting the standard for sports and entertainment impact leaders to gain trusted, credible training resulting in connection, knowledge and growth.
Sports and Entertainment Impact SymposiumSEIC offers customized Symposiums focusing on a specific region, serving a specific corporate client base, or bringing together like-minded impact organizations.
Past Participants | SEIC CertificationKey information about alumni in the Sports Philanthropy - Entertainment Philanthropy Impact Certification
Sports Entertainment Impact Speaker SeriesThe SEIC Speaker Series brings together individuals from across sports, entertainment and impact to have engaging and thoughtful conversations about the current topics which are challenging, changing and developing our i
Enrollment Tuition | SEIC CertificationKey information about enrollment and tuition costs in the Sports Philantrhopy - Entertainment Philantrhopy Impact Certfication offered in partnership with John Hopkins University
Sports Entertainment Impact Certificate | SEI CollectiveThe Sports Entertainment Impact Certificate is an unparalleled virtual training program at the intersection of sports, entertainment and philanthropy.
Impact | Sports and Entertainment Impact CollectiveThe Sports and Entertainment Impact Collective is setting the standard for sports and entertainment impact leaders to gain trusted, credible training resulting in connection, knowledge and growth.
Meet Our Team | Sports Entertainment Philanthropy CertificationOur faculty is comprised of professionals from across the sports and entertainment impact industries with immeasurable experience leading and advising some of the biggest names in sports and entertainment philanthropy
Course Offerings | Sports Entertainment Impact CollectiveSports Entertainment Impact Certificate students follow a weekly schedule which thoughtfully guides them through a variety of topics and includes interaction with SEIC’s top-tier faculty as well as fellow students.
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