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Chemicals LearningThe secret lies in the fascinating world of chemistry. Makeup and skincare products are more than pretty packaging; they are carefully crafted formulas designed to enhance beauty and care for skin. Whether you are a 10t
Ocular Lactoferrin | Advanced Tear DiagnosticsLactoferrin (Lf), also known as lactotransferrin, is a multifunctional, iron binding glycoprotein that is widely present in mammalian tears, saliva, milk and mucosal secretions. In tears, Lf is one of the eye’s main immu
Termite - WikipediaExternal phylogeny showing relationship of termites with other insect groups: 48
Sebum in an comprehensive review, 7 constituents, changes in healthy,Sebum definition and detailed function, its regulating factors and overproduction of sebum is extensively discussed.
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Acne Treatment/Cure Facts - Are there Natural Remedies to Treat Acne iGet more info about the possible natural treatment options for Acne. At Biogetica, our doctors bring along vast knowledge to advice you on preventing pimples and acquiring flawless, glowing skin
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