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Found 80 results for the keyword schutzhund. Time 0.008 seconds.
Ontario Region GSSCC German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of CanadaGerman Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada
United Schutzhund Clubs of America | German Shepherd Dog TrainersUSCA offers resources for German Shepherd trainers, breeders, and owners of German Shepherd dogs. We host conformation shows, breed surveys, and Schutzhund trials.
Membership | United Schutzhund Clubs of AmericaWhether your interest is breeding or training the German Shepherd Dog, or simply enjoying the company of people like you who love to spend time with their dogs, United Schutzhund Clubs of America has something for you.
About Us | United Schutzhund Clubs of AmericaWe are an organization dedicated to protecting and preserving the German Shepherd Dog’s working heritage by hosting conformation shows, breed surveys, and Schutzhund trials.
Contact Us | United Schutzhund Clubs of AmericaContact us to learn more about membership benefits, events near you, find a trainer or breeder, and more! United Schutzhund Clubs of America unites owners, trainers, and breeders of the German Shepherd dog.
Schutzhund Dog Training | K9 Force Working Club | CalgaryThe K9Force Working Dog Club is a non-for-profit Schutzhund/IPO Dog Training Club located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Schutzhund Equipment | Gappay | Frabo | Tri-Tronics | CPN K9 NutritSchutzhund Equipment | Gappay | Frabo | Tri-Tronics | CPN K9 Nutrition
FAQ | United Schutzhund Clubs of AmericaLearn more about how to apply for a membership, German Shepherds, training, and more in our FAQ.
Baysden German Shepherds - Homemeta name= description content= German Shepherd puppies for sale in NC and Virginia from titled Czech and German imported dogs, german shepherd breeder, dog trainer, schutzhund meta name= robots content= index, fol
About Us - Baysden German ShepherdsOur Goal is to produce a solid dog with a good temperament, sound in mind and body. We have dogs that are used for Therapy, Schutzhund, Police Service, Bomb detection, Narcotics detection, Search and Rescue, Security an
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