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Found 18 results for the keyword saudade. Time 0.007 seconds.
Saudade (, or , ; plural saudades)Dicionário Priberam da LÃngua Portuguesa is a Portuguese or Galician word that has no direct translation in English. It describes a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves. -- Wikipedia Kisah FotoReview Somethinc Skin Goals Brightening Body Creme, Cerah Dalam 28 Hari - Halo semua, apa kabar? Semoga dalam keadaan
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New Bedford, Massachusetts - WikipediaThe late 18th century was a time of growth for the town. A small whale fishery developed, as well as modest international trade. In the 1760s, between the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution, shipwrights, carpen
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Portuguese courses | Learn PortugueseYou can choose to Learn Portuguese in Portugal or Brazil, two countries that share one language but have very different cultures!
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