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Found 186 results for the keyword sadhu. Time 0.005 seconds.
Sadhu Vaswani | Sadhu Vaswani MissionSadhu T.L Vaswani was born on November 25, 1879, in Hyderabad Sind. He was an Indian educationist and a prolific writer who authored several books in English and Sindhi. A born orator, when he spoke, he filled the hall w
Sadhu Vaswani Mission - PuneThe Sadhu Vaswani Mission believes that life must have a spiritual orientation and promotes the practice of kirtans (group chanting), prayer, meditation and above all living for others. “The others are not apart from us.
Sadhu Vaswani Mission:Our Parent Body | Sadhu Vaswani Institute of ManTo many thousands around the world, Sadhu Vaswani is a name synonymous with reverence for all life. Indeed, he was the living embodiment of an unsullied, cosmic power of love that knew no bounds, an all-embracing love th
News | Sadhu Vaswani Mission2024, Sadhu Vaswani Mission
The Mission | Sadhu Vaswani MissionThe Sadhu Vaswani Mission seeks to bear witness to the truth that there is but one life flowing in all men, birds, animals, things animate and inanimate. It believes that life must have a spiritual orientation and promot
Contact | Sadhu Vaswani MissionSadhu Vaswani Mission 10, Sadhu Vaswani Road, Camp, Camp, Pune, Maharashtra 411001 Email: Phone: 020-26125679
Dada JP Vaswani | Sadhu Vaswani MissionJashan Pahlajrai Vaswani, better known as Dada Vaswani was a non-sectarian spiritual leader. He also promoted vegetarianism and animal rights. He was the Spiritual Head at the Sadhu Vaswani Mission founded by his Guru, S
Bridge builder | Sadhu VaswaniBridge Builders is the youth wing of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission engaged in a broad spectrum of youth and community development programs. It is headquartered in Pune, Maharashtra and has several national and international
Governing Board | Sadhu Vaswani Institute of Management StudiesKey role in Policy and Decision Making / Administration Mira Schools Incharge Media Communications – Sadhu Vaswani Mission
Sadhu Vaswani College BhopalYou are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.
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