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Found 424 results for the keyword romagnolo. Time 0.008 seconds.
Lagotto Romagnolo / Romagna Water Dog - Breeders and Kennels - EuroBre… work with puppysocialisazion and enviromenttraining so all puppies… home of European and World winners. Home of BIS, BISS winners and multi champions…
Italy - Dog Breeders and Kennels -… Allevamento professionale di Shiba inu e Golden Retriever americano… The first Lapinporokoira kennel in… Lagotto romagnolo breeding, selection based on the character…
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Compare Dog BreedsCan’t decide which breed is right for you? Compare dog breeds below to see how different breed characteristics and attributes stack up against each other.
Dog Breeders and Kennels - EuroBreeder.comFind a dog breeders, breeding kennels… and puppies in Europe, USA, Canada… and Australia. List of over 300 dog breeds - FCI and Kennel Club (UK & US) nomenclature. Purebred dogs for family, show, work and sport!
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Dog Breeds - Types Of Dogs - American Kennel ClubComplete list of AKC recognized dog breeds. Includes personality, history, health, nutrition, grooming, pictures, videos and AKC breed standard.
Hunting Dog Breeders - Gun Dog BreedersHunting Dog Breeders Puppies for sale listings from the best gun dog breeders, trainers and kennels. - Danmarks største portal for køb og salg af hundeDanmarks største portal for køb og salg af hunde. Mere end 100.000 leder efter en hund hos os hver måned. Over 1388 annoncer på lige nu.
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