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Found 176 results for the keyword reproducibility. Time 0.007 seconds.
Reproducibility is the ability of an entire experiment or study to be reproduced, either by the researcher or by someone else working independently. It is one of the main principles of the scientific method and relies on ceteris paribus (other things being equal). -- Wikipedia Opacity Meter LOM-A10 | labtron.ukOpacity Meter LOM-A10 ; Measurement Range-0-to-100; Resolution-plusmn-0-1; Repeatability-plusmn-0-2; Reproducibility-plusmn-0-5; Shop Online at!
Androgen and also meibomian gland malfunction: via simple molecular bi5 pM was realized based on 3 criterion. In addition to the good selectivity, this sensor also presents high reproducibility with a relative standard deviation of 1.4% for the photocurrent of seven electrodes. The applic
chromium - Debian Package TrackerThere are 2 open security issues in trixie.
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Pharmastuff4uIQ stands for installation qualification, OQ for operational qualification, and PQ for performance qualification. IQ OQ PQ are three sequential activities that manufacturers carry out to validate their manufacturing proc
Lab equipment suppliers in Dubai, UAE | EXSRTELDiscover cutting-edge lab equipment suppliers in Dubai, UAE with Exsrtel. Elevate your research with our innovative solutions and exceptional service. Experience excellence today.
Term of the Month | National Institute of JusticeWelcome to NIJ’s Term of the Month. Each month we are featuring a term from our scientific research portfolios informing significant American justice system issues and solutions.December 2024 — Bloodstain Pattern Analysi
Sample Preparation CharacterisationSSM-based electrophysiology, SURFE²R N1 - designed for the measurements of electrogenic transporters (symporters, exchangers and uniporters) and pumps. Usually these proteins have low turnover rates compared to ion
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Bug #1028470 “apache2+ssl hangs on high load” : Bugs : apache2 packageApache2 stops accepting connections when using mod_ssl and having more than 1000 processes running. This is only happening on ubuntu 12.04 and only with mod_ssl enabled. Steps to reproduce: - take a clean install of ubu
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