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Found 13 results for the keyword ratanak. Time 0.006 seconds.
Request a SpeakerThank you for your interest in having a Ratanak International speaker present for your church, school, or community event! Ratanak speakers are available for keynote presentations, seminars, Q A sessions and more – wheth
AccountabilityRatanak International was initially federally incorporated as Ratanak Foundation. Effective April 14, 2014 our legal name was officially changed to Ratanak International.
Ratanak TeamBrian first visited Cambodian refugee camps in Thailand in 1989. What he witnessed there appalled him. This experience led him into Cambodia several months later, only to find conditions worse than in the camps. This was
Our WorkGenocide and civil war left countless Cambodian families traumatized, living in extreme poverty, desperate for income and vulnerable to exploitation. Today, we see a new generation of young Cambodians tenaciously seeking
Partners In Hope | Ratanak InternationalFor Cambodians who’ve been sold into slavery, forced into violent marriages or imprisoned by abusive employers, freedom is worth risking everything to get back home. But they can’t grasp hold of
VolunteerVolunteers attend, spearhead, and support local fundraising or awareness events. They engage with their community and networks to participate locally with Ratanak International and are sometimes trained to be key public
Ratanak Newsletter | October 2024Don’t miss the inspiring story of a brave survivor who Brian McConaghy recently had the privilege of meeting in person. Her story truly shows the impact of your generosity.
About UsRatanak International is a Christian organization that works collaboratively to be a catalyst for transformation in Cambodia through a focus on empowering people experiencing exploitation and addressing the systems that
Hope, Freedom and Dignity for Cambodian Trafficking SurvivorsHope, Freedom and Dignity for Cambodian Trafficking Survivors
PrayJoin us in praying for Cambodia, its people, and the needs of our clients, staff, and programs.
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