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Found 70 results for the keyword ragtime. Time 0.009 seconds.
Ragtime (alternatively spelled rag-time or rag time) is a musical genre that enjoyed its peak popularity between 1895 and 1918. Its main characteristic trait is its syncopated, or "ragged," rhythm. -- Wikipedia Sejarah Jazz | AlbumBaru.ComInfo terlengkap tentang sejarah musik jazz, mulai dari era Ragtime, Dixieland, Bebob, Swing, Latin Jazz, hingga Fusion dan Jazz Rock.
Blues - WikipediaIn 1827, it was in the sense of a sad state of mind that John James Audubon wrote to his wife that he had the blues . 7
Jazz | AlbumBaru.ComSemua tentang musik jazz ada di sini. Sejarah Jazz, Profil Musisi Jazz, Album Jazz, Jazz Festival, Playlists Jazz, Jazz News.
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AlbumBaru.Com | Info Musik TerbaruSitus musik Indonesia terlengkap. Info album terbaru, Playlists Terbaik, Lirik Lagu, Video Musik, How-To, Gadget, Planet Jazz, hingga Lifestyle.
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Rockabilly - WikipediaZeb Turner's February 1953 recording of Jersey Rock with its mix of musical styles, lyrics about music and dancing, and guitar solo, 20 is another example of the mixing of musical genres in the first half of the 1950s
book review The Blues Come to Texas. Paul Oliver and Mack McCormick’sAfrican American Studies, American Studies, barrelhouse blues culture, Bernice Edwards, Blind Lemon Jefferson, blues culture, blues in Dallas, blues in Fort Bend, blues in Galveston, blues in Houston, blues in San Antoni
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