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Found 796 results for the keyword portrayal. Time 0.016 seconds.

Fiddler on the Roof Actor Chaim Topol, dies at age 87 Married Biog

Israeli actor Chaim Topol has passed away at the age of 87. The actor was famous for his portrayal of milkman Tevye in Fiddler On The Roof . - Details - Similar

Jonathan Togo Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth, Facts, Nationality

Jonathan Togo [Born on August 25, 1977] is a famous actor from the United States. Jonathan Togo is widely known for his portrayal as - Details - Similar

Chris McNally - Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth, Facts, Nationality

Chris McNally [Born on November 8, 1988] is a famous actor from Canada. Chris McNally is widely known for his portrayal as Lucas Bouchard - Details - Similar

Kim Dickens - Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth, Facts, Nationality

Kim Dickens [Born on June 18, 1965] is a famous actress from the United States. Kim Dickens is widely known for her portrayal - Details - Similar

Jansen Panettiere - Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth, Facts, Nationality

Jansen Panettiere [Born on September 25, 1994] was a famous actor from the United States. Jansen Panettiere is widely known for his portrayal - Details - Similar

Yasmin Paige - Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth, Facts, Nationality

Yasmin Paige [Born on June 9, 1991] is a famous actress from England. Yasmin Paige is widely known for her portrayal as Maria Jackson - Details - Similar

James Van Der Beek - Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth, Facts

James Van Der Beek [Born on March 8, 1977] is a famous actor from the United States. James Van Der Beek is widely known for his portrayal - Details - Similar

Lydia Makrides - Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth, Facts, Nationality

Lydia Makrides [Born on February 2, 2002] is a famous actress from Germany. Lydia Makrides is widely known for her portrayal in the 2017 film - Details - Similar

Maxwell Haynes - Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth, Facts, Nationality

Maxwell Haynes is a famous actor from Canada. Maxwell Haynes is widely known for his portrayal as Brad in the 2018 drama film - Details - Similar

Tahirah Sharif - Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth, Facts, Nationality

Tahirah Sharif [Born on July 27, 1993] is a famous actress from England. Tahirah Sharif is widely known for her portrayal as Rebecca Jessel - Details - Similar

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