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Found 50 results for the keyword poetics. Time 0.009 seconds.
Poetics is the theory of literary forms and literary discourse. It may refer specifically to the theory of poetry, although some speakers use the term so broadly as to denote the concept of "theory" itself. -- Wikipedia Mimesis - WikipediaThe poets, beginning with Homer, far from improving and educating humanity, do not possess the knowledge of craftsmen and are mere imitators who copy again and again images of virtue and rhapsodise about them, but never
Creative Writing Blog / Book Writing eCourse Resources by writer VanAs a creative writing teacher and writing coach, I mentor others on how to start writing. From writing inspiration, book ideas, book manuscript format to writing creatively, learn how to become an author.
Accessibility vs Elitism melaniebrantonA somewhat inflammatory article by Rebecca Watts in the latest PN Review has been engendering some lively discussion amongst my friends this week. Don t read it if you re a spoken word artist - it will make you very cros
ShieldCrest Publishing House - Independent Book Publishers UKIndependent UK book publishers. Specializing in children s books, poetry, and more. Submit your manuscript to ShieldCrest Publishing today.
LENSCRATCH - Fine Art Photography DailyLENSCRATCH is a daily journal that explores contemporary fine art photography and offers opportunities for exposure and community.
Werkplaats TypografieWerkplaats Typografie ArtEZ, University of the Arts Agnietenplaats 2, 6822 JD Arnhem, NL Tweede Leeghwaterstraat 5b, 1018 RA Amsterdam, NL T: +31 (0)26 35 35 774
reviews, Kurzweil, R. 1999. In Sophia International. Journal for philosophical theology, cross-cultural philosophy of religion and ethics. Vol. 38 no.1, 1999. Isamu Noguchi and Mo
liquidMaps | Bernardo Atxaga. New York CityliquidMaps, mapas para rastrear procesos y creaciones.
Poetry FoundationThe gathered collective thoughts are a restorative way to close this issue.
liquidMaps | Bernardo Atxaga. New York CityliquidMaps, mapas para rastrear procesos y creaciones.
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