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Found 56 results for the keyword pnas. Time 0.006 seconds.
National Academy of SciencesThe National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, nonprofit organization of the country’s leading researchers, recognizing and promoting outstanding science.
Low Pregnenolone - Explore the Benefits and Risks of the HormonePregnenolone is produced by the adrenal glands it plays a role in regulating mood and memory. Know about how it can support low pregnenolone.
Termite - WikipediaExternal phylogeny showing relationship of termites with other insect groups: 48
Jason Carroll | Carroll Lab Cambridge Publications | Cambridge ReseYearly publications about the Caroll lab cancer research findings Cambridge.
Quantum mind - WikipediaBohm's proposed order applies both to matter and consciousness. He suggested that it could explain the relationship between them. He saw mind and matter as projections into our explicate order from the underlying implica
Amber - WikipediaThe two substances ( yellow amber and gray amber ) conceivably became associated or confused because they both were found washed up on beaches. Ambergris is less dense than water and floats, whereas amber is too dense
Cannabinoid - WikipediaThe classical cannabinoids are concentrated in a viscous resin produced in structures known as glandular trichomes. At least 113 different cannabinoids have been isolated from the Cannabis plant. 6
Concrete - WikipediaThe Canal du Midi was built using concrete in 1670. 33
Lidar - WikipediaA lidar determines the distance of an object or a surface with the formula: 28
GOES Seahorse PointWe are all part of nature and must live in harmony, do no harm and try to do some good
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