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Found 13 results for the keyword pleiadian. Time 0.006 seconds.
Pleiadian Family | Sirian Family | Qin-RaThe Pleiadians and Sirians (our closest extraterrestrial families) have returned to Earth to reveal the origins of civilization.
Eva Marquez - Spiritual Consultant, Healer and AuthorEva Marquez is a spiritual consultant, soul healer, teacher and writer with Pleiadian starseed ancestry. Eva’s mission is to help starseeds adjust to their human bodies so they can carry out their life purposes to assist
The Portal: Situation Update and Thailand Ascension ConferenceThe Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light
Modern art Art | nancy iannitelli studioModern art is a collection of art that is currently available for purchase at nancy iannitelli studio.
What is a Starseed? Determine your type of StarseedA Starseed is a multidimensional being and knows that there is more to life than we see here on Earth. What type of Starseed are you?
Spirit of Change MagazineA holistic health magazine with articles, events, daily astrology and an alternative health directory.
Darkbird18's Internet Information Blog, The Good The Bad and The UglyThe Good The Bad and The Ugly Internet Information . The Information I research online also has this theme behind it and like the movie; I'm after the Gold of truth at the end. I also do Internet Online Research as a jo
Entertainment | FM Observer Fargo Moorhead Satire News and EntertainmePalo Alto, CA The Observer has learned, via a tweet posted on Facebook via a StumbleUpon to Reddit cross-post, that famous party animal Andrew WK has formally given up partying for lent.
Margaret Doner | An overview of the work of Margaret DonerI have been working as a massage therapist, energetic practitioner and angelic channel for over thirty years. I studied with Roger Woolger,Ph.D, and became certified as a past life regression therapist over twenty-five
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