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Tips Public Speaking Efektif: Ringkas! | Romeltea MediaRomeltea Romeltea adalah onair dan online name Asep Syamsul M. Romli aka Kang Romel. Praktisi Media, Blogger, Trainer Komunikasi from Bandung, Indonesia. Follow me: facebook twitter instagram linkedin youtube
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PERBEDAAN BRING DAN TAKE DALAM BAHASA INGGRISIn this blog we provide teaching learning materials that hopefully it is useful for teachers, and all learner. Find more about us: Youtube channel : HADY F LinkedIn : Hady F english teacher Facebook : @Hadi fitrianto
WILL VS GOING TO | Penjelasan dan contoh soalIn this blog we provide teaching learning materials that hopefully it is useful for teachers, and all learner. Find more about us: Youtube channel : HADY F LinkedIn : Hady F english teacher Facebook : @Hadi fitrianto
30 IDIOMS YOU NEED TO KNOW AND THEIR MEANING IN ENGLISHIn this blog we provide teaching learning materials that hopefully it is useful for teachers, and all learner. Find more about us: Youtube channel : HADY F LinkedIn : Hady F english teacher Facebook : @Hadi fitrianto
PUMA; SPEEDCAT PREMIUM UNISEXIn this blog we provide teaching learning materials that hopefully it is useful for teachers, and all learner. Find more about us: Youtube channel : HADY F LinkedIn : Hady F english teacher Facebook : @Hadi fitrianto
LEARN 50 WORDS WITH SYNONIM AND THEIR MEANINGSIn this post we will learn 50 words with synonim and their meanings
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