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Found 26 results for the keyword petrarch. Time 0.009 seconds.
Giovanni Boccaccio da CertaldoTe life of the writer Giovanni Boccaccio of Certaldo in Tuscany
Directory of formal Gardens of Tuscany :: lista dei Grandi Giardini ItGardens of the Tuscan villas :: a directory
Naples Life,Death MiracleDedicated to the memory of my wife, Luciana God grant me to find what once I had / And know what once I have known.-W.B.Yeats
Sallust - WikipediaHis brief monographs – his work on Catiline, for example, is shorter than the shortest of Livy's volumes – were the first books of their form attested at Rome. 41
Arezzo tourist informationTours of Arezzo - history, architecture, accommodation
Biblioteca Capitolare di Pescia, a baroque Chapter Library in PesciaThe splendid baroque Biblioteca Capitolare of Pescia is a library that traces its origins to the bequest of the Canon Romualdo Cecchi in the 17 C.
Siena Information Sienna Tuscany ItalySienna Italy - history and art of Siena
Arezzo tourist informationTours of Arezzo - history, architecture, accommodation
Siena Information Sienna Tuscany ItalySienna Italy - history and art of Siena
Holy Grail - WikipediaThe literature surrounding the Grail can be divided into two groups. The first concerns King Arthur's knights visiting the Grail castle or questing after the object. The second concerns the Grail's earlier history in the
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