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Found 62 results for the keyword perugino. Time 0.007 seconds.
PeruginoPerugino, foremost painter of the Umbrian Renaissance - fiery temperament and lack of religious belief yet painted the tranquil and exquisite Madonnas
Città della PieveThe red brick city of Città della Pieve, birthplace of Perugino
Panicale, UmbriaPanicale - the mediaeval walled village of Panicale overlooking Lake Trasimeno in Umbria, Italy
PintoricchioPintoricchio was born in Perugia in 1481 and died in Sienna in 1513. The Baglioni Chapel in Spello in Umbria and is famous for the frescoes by Pinturicchio
Useful information for visitors to the Region of Umbria in central ItaUseful information, advice and tips for travellers setting out to explore the beautiful Region of Umbria in central Italy
History, festivals, art and architecture of UmbriaIntroductions to various aspects of the history, festivals, art and architecture of the Region of Umbria in Italy
Tourism and holidays in Umbria: official website of the Umbria Regionen The official website of tourism in Umbria: travel proposals, events, offers, news to discover and experience Umbria.
Tourism and holidays in Umbria: official website of the Umbria Regionen The official website of tourism in Umbria: travel proposals, events, offers, news to discover and experience Umbria.
Alta Valle del Tevere | www.umbriatourism.itDiscover the Umbrian territory: the Upper Tiber Valley, land of art, culture, food and wine, nature, sport
From Spoleto to Orvieto - an Umbrian Renaissance art itineraryIntroductions to various aspects of the history, languages and peoples of Tuscany in Italy
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